Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Was it Rape, Incest, or Life Threatening ?

We all knew that election time means a few things and the war on women is one of them. Abortion always seems to get media attention now and hardly ever after that (unless it's some new anti- choice legislation being introduce). Now every anti- choice politician seems to be coming out of the wood-works to state how they don't believe a woman should have an abortion under any circumstance. Rape is being redefined as I type and as quick as they let all this malarkey out of their mouths, an apology is soon to follow. Or in some cases a "clarification."
These "circumstances" leaves the door open for people to argue that one woman's decision to terminate a pregnant is justifiable and all others aren't. The only justifiable reason for choosing abortion is BECAUSE A  WOMAN CHOOSES TO! Having choice means women get to choose if and/or when she decides to become a parent under any circumstance.

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