Friday, March 30, 2012

Pioneer Women of Color in the Movement!

RIP Rev. Addie Wyatt, who fought injustice everywhere! Side note....she was a founding member of National Organization for Women (NOW) and they have yet to acknowledge her death. Wow!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


So we did outreach this past weekend and as always I was happy to do it and happy to see what people responses are to the information we pass out. So we also pass out condoms and I find it very interesting how some people are very happy to receive them and then some people act as if we are offering them something we shouldn't be. It is so crazy how people act like they don't have sex, but it's everywhere. It's nothing to be ashamed of people.

The "A" Word

Tonight is our monthly cable access show and I'm excited to be discussing the Pro-Choice language. I hope we get a lot of supportive calls as I already know we will get some unsupportive calls but hey it comes along with the territory. All that matters is that people are discussing a topic that needs to be discussed and that is our reproductive rights. So see you tonight at 8pm on Can TV.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Lets get something straight. Birth control is NOT inexpensive. The women who do not have health insurance or anyone who's had to buy it can attest to that. Even women who pay for birth control and have insurance will agree. I suggest that whoever believes it is cheap should offer to pay for it! Until then.......shut it!!!!

War on Women

It is so crazy as we get closer to election time it seems like officials are trying to gradually strip our reproductive rights away. That's why it is so important we know who we are voting for and if they hold our best interest in hand. So I encourage everybody to vote pro-choice.

Now take that Texas! Ha

In abortion battle, White House defunds Texas Women Health Program

at 05:26 PM ET, 03/15/2012

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards. (Michael Ainsworth - AP)
After Texas blocked abortion providers’ participation in its Medicaid Women’s Health Program, the White House officially notified the state Thursday afternoon that it will pull all funds from the program, which totalled about $39 million last year.

Twenty-nine states participate in the Medicaid’s Women Health Program, which extends Medicaid coverage for reproductive health services to lower-income women who do not qualify for the rest of the entitlement program’s benefits. In Texas, the program served about 130,000 women, with the federal government footing 90 percent of the bill. About half of the clinics participating in the program would have been disqualified by the new legislation.

“We very much regret the state’s decision to implement this rule, which will prevent women enrolled in the program from receiving services from the trusted health care providers they have chosen and relied on for their care,” Medicaid director Cindy Mann wrote in a Thursday letter to Texas officials.

While nine states have passed legislation to end abortion provider’s government funding, Texas is the first to lose federal dollars over it. Other states’ laws have only affected state spending, or have been held up by court challenges.

The issue boils down to what federal regulations allow states to do, and not do, in selecting providers for their Medicaid programs.

Texas passed a law last year that bars abortion providers from participating in the program, even if they are providing other services, like contraceptives and cervical cancer screenings. The federal government says that such a decision violates the state’s Medicaid contract.

In letters to other states that have tried similar moves, U.S. officials note that federal regulation does not allow states to bar a certain provider from Medicaid for providing a legal service.

“The law is very clear in Medicaid around free choice of provider,” Mann told reporters Thursday afternoon. “We strive to provide as much flexibility is possible...but on this case, federal law precludes us from doing so.”

The Obama administration has asked Texas to lay out a plan, by April 16, for how it will phase out the program. Gov. Rick Perry (R) has suggested that the state will pick up funding for the program, but where exactly those dollars come from still remains to be seen.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wisconsin to ban some abortion coverage, re-focus sex education

MADISON, Wisconsin | Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:03am EDT

MADISON, Wisconsin (Reuters) - Wisconsin lawmakers have approved controversial measures to block the state's new health insurance exchange from covering abortions and require sex education classes to emphasize abstinence as the preferred method of birth control.

Both bills, which were voted through the Republican-controlled Assembly by 61-34 late Tuesday, now head to the desk of Republican Governor Scott Walker, who is widely expected to sign them.

The laws ban private insurers from offering abortion coverage in the plans they offer through the state-run exchange where thousands of Wisconsin residents will buy subsidized coverage under President Obama's healthcare overhaul.

Two Democrats, Peggy Krusick and Tony Staskunas, and one independent, Bob Ziegelbauer, joined Republicans in supporting the abortion bill, which opponents said would necessarily impair women's health by limiting access to abortions for those who require them.

A handful of Democratic representatives wore Planned Parenthood T-shirts as they voted unsuccessfully against the measure.

Also late Tuesday, the Assembly passed a bill that repeals the so-called "Healthy Youth Act" passed last session by Democrats that provided "comprehensive sex education."

Once Walker signs the measure, it will require schools that offer a human development and growth curriculum to emphasize abstinence as the preferred method of birth control and emphasize the role and “socioeconomic benefits" of marriage.

The measure would also remove information on contraceptive methods approved by the Food and Drug Administration from the required curriculum.

Democrats argued the bill would neglect science-based teaching and put children at risk from sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy.

Last week, lawmakers in Utah passed a measure that would ban public schools from teaching contraception as a way of preventing pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

Supporters of the measure in both Utah and Wisconsin argued that sex education was best left up to parents.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Day To Celebrate!!

Today is International Women's Day!!! I hope everyone is celebrating and empowering women on a daily basis anyway; but particularly on this day we need to celebrate women and their choices to make decision for their bodies, for themselves and by themselves! In light of recent legislation that makes it harder for women to access their reproductive services, we still have to remain aggressive in this fight but also celebrate our accomplishments thus far as well. So today I'm not forgetting our current fight, but I'm celebrating our past fights and accomplishments!! Embrace the essence of being a woman today and everyday! Much love

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

She has to get paid for having sex and she wants us to pay

This is what a "conservative" talk show hosts said. I don't know how people can even make the relation of being paid for sex to someone wanting to have control over their body by having affordable birth control.I think this was a very idiotic comment and I was disgusted by this man which it is always a man making these asinine comments. More reason though for me to just keep doing the work it takes to keep the law from dictating my choices about my body.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Say What?!

In today's news of "Ignorant People Say the Craziest Things," someone ignorant said that the only time women have unintended pregnancies is when she's unfaithful and doesn't use protection. Um, okay. What about when birth control fails, condoms break, people in a monogamous relationship have sex, rape, incest, or a host of reasons why women experience unwanted pregnancies???? That is all *drops mic*

Friday, March 2, 2012

Does A Woman have to be careless in her sex life because she is having an abortion?

So yesterday I did the television show we do every last Wednesday of the month The "A" Word. It's just so crazy to me how people automatically think because a woman has an abortion that she is promiscuous or doesn't use condoms or birth control. So we had a caller that asked do we think it is okay to use abortion as a form of birth control and I responded that abortion is a form of birth control and that is up to the woman if she feels that's the best option for her. So someone else called in and said that we are giving young women the wrong idea and if there using abortion as a form of birth control, that she has to be having unprotected sex with multiple people that would subject her to std's and sti's. It just baffles me that even though all the forms of birth control state that there not 100 percent effective and we all know the only way to not get pregnant or contract any sexual disease is not having sex, people automatically assume women are careless in their sex life. I felt like I was talking to the man at a protest that told me women are too stupid to keep their legs closed, that's why they have to resort to abortion. People need to realize abortion is an option that is available for a reason and that is because it is a service that is needed regardless the reason why.